2022 Hair Shows - Catch us at IBS NY, ISSE +

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2022


Team Kolour Kulture retreat was a success! We bonded as a team, planned out our year, and helped each other conquor our fears. πŸ‘ŠπŸ™Œ

We have to be honest, the last two years have been a blur. The support from all of you and the industry as a whole has kept us going, letting us know we are on the right path. Together we are going to create an industry that is diverse, inclusive of all textures, and create equity for underserved Black stylists.

Being able to regroup, align, and fill our tanks for 2022 was invaluable and we can’t wait to grow the movement even further.

PS, find us at these upcoming hair shows to say hi, see what we’re about, and learn some KOLOUR!
πŸ–€IBS NEW YORK - March 12 - 15
πŸ–€ISSE - June 25 & 26
πŸ–€IBS Las Vegas - June 25 - 27

(More shows coming soon)

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