Ready to start collaborating? Register as a Texture Vs Race Collaborative member for technical education, DIE coaching, business success training, and more below. Our education library is constantly growing, with new training programs and classes regularly released throughout your time as a member.
*Those who are caught impersonating a Black stylists during membership registration will be banned from the Texture Vs Race Collaborative and future events by Keya Neal, Kolour Kulture, Texture Vs Race, and REPAIRations. No refund of any fees will be issued for fraudulent registration.
Non-Black Artists
- Access to the Texture Vs Race Collaborative Curriculum
- Access to Texture Vs Race Summit & reHAIRations Replays
- Access to the Texture Vs Race Collaborative Community
- Access to Allyship Division for DIE community with opportunities for anti-racism coaching, book clubs, guided learning, live sessions and more.
Black Artists | Equitable Education
- Access to the Texture Vs Race Collaborative Education
- Access to Texture Vs Race Summity & reHAIRations Replays
- Access to the Texture Vs Race Collaborative Community
- Access to the REPAIRations Division of Equitable Education donated by Collaborative Coaches.
Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Equitable Education
We intend to educate the Black/brown community at the same rate we educate the white market. The salon industry is deeply afflicted by the residue of racial biases, which has been the driving force of the silent segregation that has taken root within the salon industry's education itself.
Historic redlining of Black salons has left the industry's “standard” education out of reach for many Black and brown communities. To repair this damage, collaborative coaches and brands have provided additional technical education to bridge this gap.